Looking towards the future I’ve decided to learn Ruby on Rails. I started out by doing the Rails for Zombies course and consequently the Try Ruby course. While they both incorporate an interesting set of exercises they don’t really develop any understanding of the material. I then moved onto the Ruby on Rails Tutorial. This pushed me to look back into using vagrant for virtual environments as well as expanding the use of tools such as vim, tmux, bash scripting, python, and the list goes on.

vagrant, iterm2, vim, and tmux

I decided to look into vagrant for running some linux VM’s so that I could leave my mac environment pristine. This led to using tmux and vim on the command line as a development environment. As much as I like vim this was taking a step back to when I was using linux exclusively. Setting up panes in tmux, configuring this and that, and then not being comfortable with the results. Therefore, I decided to switch to the tutorial’s recommended setup of Sublime Text 2.

Sublime Text 2 and Transmit

In order to gain access to the files in the development environment on the VM I decided to use Tranmit’s disk feature. Mounting the home directory of the vagrant user and then loading the rails folder into sublime. I installed the RubyTests package and then tried to run a test only to have it fail due to not actually being in the ruby environment on the VM.

RVM and pow.cx

I’m now going to move to using RVM and pow.cx on the local Mac installation to see how it goes.